The last thing you want is to lose hot water, hot showers, or warm water for washing dishes, laundry, or cooking. But that’s exactly what happens when your water heater fails. Water heaters don’t last forever. Eventually, it will fail. So, should you replace your water heater before it fails?

How long your water heater will last depends on multiple factors. From the type of water heater, to how well it’s been maintained over the years. Usually, there are signs before a water heater fails that it might be getting close to time. Things like leaking, strange noises, inconsistent hot water, or none at all. Ten to fifteen years is a standard range for traditional water heaters, with tankless models often going as long as twenty. If your water heater is somewhere close to these ranges, or you notice some of the above issues, it might be a good time to consider a replacement.

There are good reasons to consider replacing your water heater before it fails completely. For instance, you can avoid being without hot water for a long period of time, and you can avoid the expense of clean-up if your tank bursts and sends fifty gallons of water across the floor wherever your hot water heater is. Also, if you plan the replacement, you have the time to find the best hot water heater for your home and situation, for the price you want.

Ultimately, if you think it might be time to consider replacement, but you aren’t sure, you can rely on Paul the Plumber to evaluate your hot water heater and give you a recommendation. Maybe your water heater only needs maintenance, but maybe it’s time to look at a replacement. Schedule an appointment with us today.

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