Unfortunately, homes can’t wait when they need certain types of repairs, and repiping is one of those needs. Old, broken, corroded, and leaking pipes need help, and there is a wonderful new type of pipe that will save the day.

That solution is PEX piping. Made of cross-linked polyethylene, it’s easy to use and less expensive to buy and install. It’s also flexible and adaptable so that it can curve around corners, and in and out of obstructions inside walls. This eliminates the need for having to cut and connect pipes multiple times, as well as having to make holes in walls throughout the house. It also means no need for lots of clean-up, repairing of holes in the walls, and repainting or wallpapering. On top of that, your savings will expand even more because PEX piping has a life expectancy that’s much longer than other types of pipes.

While metal pipes are susceptible to corrosion, hairline cracks, and the buildup of rust and mold, PEX pipes avoid all that because of their synthetic material and their continuous construction from source to water output lets plumbers skip the typical connectors that can break and cause leaks. And this also means the water pressure is not affected by buildup and clogging inside the pipes.

Finally, PEX piping offers a warranty covering 25 years. For your best bet in saving on repiping your home or business, contact Paul the Plumber for his advice and expertise.

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