Hard water leads to calcium accumulation inside pipes, showerheads and faucets, causing incredible damage. It also causes dry hair and skin, soap scum on sinks, tubs and appliances, and foggy glasses and dishes after being washed.

When minerals build up in our plumbing, water pressure and flow are reduced, but as the water flows through pipes that are diminished in size, the pressure actually increases to make up the difference, and this leads to cracks in pipes, or even burst pipes. Hard water can also lead to slimy lime scales accumulating in pipes, water heaters, appliances and fixtures like sinks and tubs. And hard water does damage to rubber parts found in refrigerators, washing machines, or dishwashers, causing leaks and needed repairs and replacement.

When you turn your hard water into soft water with the installation of a water softener, you will dispose of these problems, and avoid expensive repairs throughout your home. Water softeners replace mineral build-up by exchanging their ions with sodium and potassium ions, which do not cause all these problems.

Some people may hesitate to get a water softener, because they fear drinking the sodium in the water, fearing it may be dangerous to their health. Experts have pointed out that a gallon of soft water has as little sodium as one slice of bread. But, if this still bothers you, there is a way to eliminate the problem with a reverse-osmosis filter, which removes sodium from the water, leaving it clean and tasty.

Contact Paul the Plumber for more information that will improve life for yourself and your family. He wants to help.

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