Imagine this: You have just moved into your lovely old house built a hundred and twenty years ago, and you keep hearing hissing noises when you pass the utility closet. You can’t think what it is. Then you notice a slight obnoxious smell, and realize you need a nap.
WAIT! DON’T GO TO SLEEP! It could be a gas leak. You need to skip your nap and get out of the house.
Corrosive damage to gas lines comes with age, and if your new/old house has this problem, it’s not safe to be in. You and your family need to move out until it’s repaired. Bad odors and hissing sounds aren’t the only warnings. You also need to be aware that headaches, nausea, dizziness, eye or throat irritation, difficulty breathing and chest pain are warnings, too. Your best bet is to have your gas line checked before you move into your house. But, if you haven’t already done that, do it now!
If you live in a home at least fifty years old, chances are moisture over the years has caused rusting and corrosion in the gas line, and it is already cracked or cracking and letting gas escape into your home.
Gas line repairs are very serious situations. Paul the Plumber is an expert with the experience, skills and tools to do the job effectively and safely. He will also explain what is being done every step along the way. Call him for his advice and further information.