You begin your preparations in the kitchen, only to discover, to your annoyance, that your burner won’t light. Aside from putting away the ingredients and ordering a pizza, what can you do at this point? Here are a few suggestions.

First, did you check the obvious suspects? As unlikely as it seems that anything has changed, you should make sure your stove is plugged in. Next, is your gas line turned to the on position? Also, verify that your pilot light is lit. Any of these might be the culprit, and investing a few seconds here might save you a long wait and an embarrassing discovery once a repairman arrives.

It might be that your burner caps are the culprit. A dirty cap can develop blockages along the channels running underneath it, which will prevent your burner from lighting. Another potential issue is the cap has been rotated, preventing gas from reaching the burner.

But be aware that if your burner won’t light for any length of time, you are letting dangerous natural gas into your kitchen. If none of the above solutions work, make sure you turn the burner back to the ‘Off’ position and contact your plumber or repairman. Natural gas is a very dangerous gas with the ability to explode and cause major damage to your home and your family. Better to be safe than sorry.

Paul the Plumber is happy to be your go-to for all your plumbing and gas line issues.

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