
How to avoid being stuck suffering without hot water at your house.

How to avoid being stuck suffering without hot water at your house.

We spoiled Americans can’t imagine living without hot water. It’s a major disaster when our water heaters give way and don’t produce what we need to bathe, shower, and wash our clothes and dishes. There are things you can do to avoid such problems. One of the most...

Is it dangerous when your gas water heater’s pilot goes out?

Is it dangerous when your gas water heater’s pilot goes out?

The answer is, it’s usually not dangerous because modern gas water heaters have valves that turn off the gas if the pilot light goes out. That means you aren’t likely to be gassed or have an explosion. Back in the 1930s, gas water heaters tended to explode because of...

When, and why should you replace your water heater?

When, and why should you replace your water heater?

The last thing you want is to lose hot water, hot showers, or warm water for washing dishes, laundry, or cooking. But that’s exactly what happens when your water heater fails. Water heaters don’t last forever. Eventually, it will fail. So, should you replace your...

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